“Unidad Clinico Quirurgica Noreste” is located at: Edificio Centro Seguros, La Paz. It has a public parking area as soon as you enter, if you wish to take your car, take a ticket and pay as soon as you exit.
If you wish to use the public transportation, you may use the subway service in Caracas, drop off at the station in los Cortijos and walk 2 blocks south. You can also drop off at the station in La California and walk 2 blocks north.
If you prefer to use the bus, you can use anyone that heads to the avenue of “Francisco de Miranda” from or to la California.
Tips for your visit to the “UCQ Noreste”
It is located in a building that offers 6 elevators from the lobby.
- This level has bank and ATM’s.
- Natural medication stores.
- Food court (Chinese, Lunch specials and buy-it-by-weight)
- Beauty salons
- Newsstand
Around it you can find a mall named “Centro Comercial Lider” and a Gas station.